
Wednesday 17 June 2020

Harbor dolphin

Life span - Their average life-span is 8–13 years. Habitat- The harbor porpoise lives in northern temperate and subarctic coastal and offshore waters. Eating habits- Harbor porpoise mainly eat schooling fish, like herring and mackerel. Occasionally, they will eat squid and octopus. Reproduction- Females become sexually mature at around 3 or 4 years. They are then able to give birth every year. Enemies- Harbor porpoise enemies are large sharks, orcas, and dolphins are potential predators of harbor porpoises. Special features- Harbor porpoises have a small, robust body with a short, blunt beak. Females are slightly larger than males.

Fact about Porpoise

Fact About Porpoise Porpoises are in the same family to dolphins, but the two of the animals are different. The porpoises have a mole that is their head. It connects to their navigation and helps them find their way in the ocean. Porpoises and dolphins have 7 different ways in their body. Porpoise doesn’t have long breaks like dolphins.Porpoises also have triangular dorsal fins Dolphins have curved, or hook shape fins. The exception is fin less porpoises They don't have fins at all. And dolphins have curved, and hook fins.The exception is finless porpoises.porpoises doesn’t have fins. And dolphins teeth are cone-shaped and porpoises teeth are spade-shaped. Porpoises are also shorter than dolphins. They grow to 5 to 6.6 feet ( 1.5. 2 meters ) and weigh 110 to 265. Harbor porpoises are found throughout the temperate coastal waters of the Northern Hemisphere. As their name suggests, they prefer the shallows, less than 500 feet deep, and are commonly seen in harbors and bays. They are also known to frequent inland waters, including rivers, estuaries, and tidal channels.