
Saturday 7 August 2021

Alfonsus Story for today

 Story for today

So what I read today is called POSSUM2U so it was about these kids was trying catch some possums but try an keep them alive so they can sell it to this boy so he can give to his  cousin that sells possum so they can earn money right now they only earned 1 but they could almost get two but there dog killed one so they have 90 more possums to go. After a little while for them just laying down in the sun waiting for some possums they could see a big helicopter up above so they all waved and saying hello so the pilot landed the helicopter slowly and he got out of the copter and then closed the door, he came towards the kids then asked what are they doing here and one of the girls said that  they staying to try and catch some possums for conners cousin. The pilot said that they have to move because until Saturday they are gonna spray poison around this park then the kids started to become really worried about it. After a little while being worried they started to get an idea they said they could hurry up and at least more than 30 possums before saturday then another person said confused  “ but we only have 10 traps” than the other person shouted excitedly “we could easily get lots of possums with 10 traps in one night if there is fresh fruits”so they all started to reset the traps and put in fresh fruits. After setting up the traps again they went to bet when they put the blanket over their body they started to hear some noises come from the traps.  


So far guys that is what I read but next time I will read some more and tell you all about it byeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!.

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